Vitmine – ready to use
4,60 €
- Improves plant growth and chlorophyll synthesis
- Promotes a strong root system and lateral branches
- Increases flower bud set and prolongs flowering
- Inhibits ageing and increases the production of quality crops
- Recommended for seed germination and rooting of cuttings

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Vitamins are used to germinate seeds and root plants, and to promote plant growth. It activates metabolism and improves mineral uptake. Vitmine is particularly recommended for slow germinating seeds, rare or valuable crops and out-growing plants. Vitmine contains various micro-organism secreted auxin and cytokine, which are beneficial to plants. Treatment of seeds with Vitmin increases the permeability of the seed coat and improves seed germination. Treatment of cuttings with Vitmin solution by watering the seedlings improves rooting and the development of an extensive root system, enhances leaf and stem growth, and results in a uniform crop emergence. The weight of the roots increases by up to 60%.
Vitmin also stimulates plant immunity and resistance to stress caused by adverse environmental conditions, can be applied to all types of crops.
The preparation affects plant development in 3 ways – activates protein synthesis, increases enzyme activity, improves membrane transport properties. It promotes the development of a strong root system, branching and tillering, an increase in the number of flower buds and an increase in yield. Vitmine-treated plants have higher yields – spring wheat 0.4-0.5 t/h; barley 0.5 t/ha; sugar beet 0.4-0.8 t/ha – ask our consultants about the treatment time and dose.
Watering plants with Vitmine solution enhances the development of the root system and the plant’s ability to take up the necessary nutrients.
Spraying with Vitmin at the beginning of the growing season will increase the formation of lateral branches, flower buds and tillering.
Spraying with Vitmin throughout the growing season will increase the plant’s ability to mature the entire crop.
Spraying with Vitmin in the second half of summer will prolong the plant’s “youth” and longer leaf retention, nutrient accumulation and preparation for overwintering.
The fertiliser is authorised for use in organic farming in accordance with European Commission Regulation 2021/1165.
- Sufficient soil moisture and warmth (+15° to +25° C) increase efficiency.
- All microbial fertilisers can be combined with each other.
- There is no waiting period between treatment and harvest.
The preparation should be stored in a dark and cool place (+3° to +10°C), protected from sunlight, in the original packaging. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of manufacture, see label.
Ready to spray on seeds, cuttings, leaves.
Shelf life: unopened - 2 years
- Seed treatment – fine seeds are sown on the soil, sprayed with a Vitmin solution and covered with soil. For coarser seeds (beans, peas, onions, garlic, potatoes, bulbs, … ) a solution made from concentrate is used for soaking.
- Cuttings treatment – cut cuttings are sprayed with a Vitmin solution, then treated according to the chosen method.
- Planting – the roots of bare-root seedlings are sprayed and set out. It is recommended that purchased container plants, potted plants or other seedlings with a root ball of soil be treated with a solution made from concentrate before planting.
- During the season, it is not advisable to spray a solution of vitamins on plants that need to stretch – cucumbers, pumpkins. Tomato plants should be watered at the first 3 true leaf stage and not sprayed later, so as not to encourage axillary growth.
- Spraying sunburnt plants with Vitmin solution (50ml/1l of water) will help them to recover faster and produce new shoots.
If hot weather is expected or you are going on holiday and your plants are left unattended, spraying them with Vitmin solution will help them to cope with heat and drought stress and make them feel better. - At the start of the heating season, indoor plants are sprayed with a Vitmin solution to reduce the stress caused by dry air and climate change. Indoor plants that have been transplanted or transplanted shall be watered with a Vitmin solution made from concentrate to encourage new root development and nutrient uptake.
- If the weather is forecast to be frosty, spray the day before with a Vitmin solution and there will be less damage to the plants. The morning after the frost, it is also advisable to spray with the same solution so that the plants will emerge more quickly and there will be less damage.
For ornamental plants and flowers, an increase of 2-3 times is recommended.
The product is friendly to humans, animals, bees and other pollinators.
Use as follows

At the time of sowing
the seeds are sprayed and sown. Seeds placed in a sowing guide may also be sprayed.

During the growing season
Spray the aerial parts of the plant to promote lateral branch growth, increase the number of flower buds.

For stress relief
Spray 2 days before and immediately after frost, including before the onset of hot weather, to reduce the number of damaged plants.

The plant is vigorous, blooms gloriously and produces a bountiful harvest, rich in essential nutrients.
You can pick up your order:
AT OUR STORE, Salaspils, Līvzemes Street 30 - free of charge
- Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00.
- Orders placed before 11:00 can be collected the same day from 15:00. Orders placed after 11:00 can be collected the next working day.
- Order confirmation must be presented upon receipt.
Latvia - 2,49 €
Lithuania, Estonia - 4,24 €
- Delivery time - 2 to 5 working days.
- Next working day delivery to the parcel office.
- Delivery times may be longer during promotions.
DELIVERY WITH COURIER throughout the Baltics - from 5.70 €
- 3-9 working days depending on delivery address.
- The price depends on the delivery address.
To ensure delivery as soon as possible, please provide the exact delivery details in your order.
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- Improves plant growth and chlorophyll synthesis
- Promotes a strong root system and lateral branches
- Increases flower bud set and prolongs flowering
- Inhibits ageing and increases the production of quality crops
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