For rhododendrons – for incorporation into the soil

From 1,30 

  • Promotes the growth and flowering of rhododendrons
  • Fixes free atmospheric nitrogen, converting it into compounds that can be used by plants
  • Improves the circulation of plant substances
  • Maintains the required soil reaction

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For rhododendrons contains soil micro-organisms that revitalise the soil, maintain the desired soil reaction, promote root development and mineral uptake. The product also contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria that fix nitrogen in the air and convert it into a form that is usable by plants. The product contributes to abundant flowering and improves the appearance of the plant. It significantly strengthens the plant’s resistance to stress caused by adverse environmental conditions. Improves winter hardiness. Also suitable for fertilising other acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas, blueberries and conifers.


  • The fertiliser is authorised for use in organic farming in accordance with European Commission Regulation 2021/1165.

  • It should not be mixed with fungicides.
  • Sufficient soil moisture and warmth (+15° to +25° C) increase efficiency.
  • Use above the specified Dosage does not cause harm to plants, humans, animals or the environment.
  • All microbial fertilisers can be combined with each other.
  • There is no waiting period between treatment and harvest.

The preparation should be stored at +3° to +27°C. Shelf life for unopened packaging – 2 years from the date of manufacture, see label.


200g/ 2 plants
500g/ 5 plants
2kg/ 20 plants

In depleted soils, the rate is increased by a factor of 2-3.
Use above the specified dosage does not cause harm to plants, humans, animals or the environment and does not result in the development of resistance.

Shelf life: unopened - 2 years


  • Soil improvement – penetrates 10-15 cm into the topsoil, keeps the soil moist.
  • Planting – in the planting hole near the roots or in direct contact with the roots.
  • For previous years’ plantings – root around the plant (near the roots) and keep moist.
  • It is recommended to reapply several times a season near the roots of the plant and to keep the soil moist.
    The product is friendly to humans, animals, bees and other pollinators.

Shall be used as follows

At the time of planting

the preparation is poured into the planting hole at the roots of the plant and the rhododendrons are planted directly on the preparation.

During the growing season

repeatedly 2-3 times per season.

All season

the soil around the roots of the plant should be kept moist so that the micro-organisms can multiply and do their work.


The plant is healthy, blooms profusely and beautifully, and overwinters well.

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